A r i s e
Youth Growing in
faith, Leadership, Friendship
Some of our team has been working every Arise for years, so something must be bringing them back every time!
Here are some of their stories.

Arise is tangible proof of God’s love for us. It is a rich community of faith that constantly loves and encourages each other to keep God at the center of our lives.
Jessie O'Dell
Arise 42
Not many people from where I live have made an Arise, but I continue to work Arise Weekends because each weekend brings me closer to God. There is also nothing more beautiful than watching Christ work in other's lives. Once you make an Arise, the people in the community becomes your family. Sometimes families live far away, which can really suck, but it is totally worth it when it's been a few months or even a few years and it's as if no time has passed at all. I continue to stay active in the Arise community because of how rewarding it is to see so many people grow closer to God, and build life long relationships with wonderful people.

Emma Mathis
Arise 34

I keep coming back to Arise because you can't experience anything like it, anywhere else. From the people you meet to the things you do, Arise has truly changed my life. I really do look at the people I met through Arise, as family.
Harrison Stout
Arise 37
Arise has given me a family that I can always turn to during the good and bad times. Arise is where I go to heal.

Alli Mohler
Arise 31

I would have to say the main reason that I keep coming back to Arise is all the amazing friendships that I have made through Arise and through God. These people are my family, and I can depend on them to keep any secret. Because of Arise, I have a way to let the full force of God's love hit me like a freight train each and every time I go on a weekend. I also love seeing new risers exposed to the power of God's mercy and forgiveness as they go throughout the weekend.
Arise 45
After Arise I felt like I had this new fire for God, and my life has been forever changed since then.

Arise 47

Arise is important to me because it provides me with a community of Christians that I can lean on at any given time. As I've worked more Arise weekends and taken my place in the community, the people of Arise have become my close friends outside of the weekends. This makes working team feel like I'm celebrating God's love with all of my actual best friends.
Arise 42
I think the reason that I keep coming back is mainly the way I met God on my weekend. I had never really experienced anything like it. I felt connected not only to him but to everyone there. I knew that I wanted to be friends with these people, family with these people. Now that I am, I would never take it back. I don't plan on leaving, not until the day I die. I know my God and I know many people due to Arise.

Arise 45

Arise 59
Memorial Day Weekend (may 24-26)
Location: Camp Dixie in Fayetteville, NC
Dates: May 24th - May 26th, 2025
Lay Leaders: Billy Hopkins & Madi Treon
Verse: TBD
If you have any questions please feel free to email council at council@arisewithchrist.com